Morris Traversal: In-Order Traversal Without Recursion

Morris Traversal: In-Order Traversal Without Recursion


In the realm of tree traversal algorithms, in-order traversal is one of the most commonly used techniques for visiting all the nodes in a binary tree. Traditionally, in-order traversal requires recursion or a stack to keep track of the nodes. However, both recursion and stack-based approaches come with their own drawbacks, such as extra space usage and potential stack overflow for deep trees.

Morris Traversal offers a solution to this problem by allowing in-order traversal without using recursion or an explicit stack. This technique, invented by Morris in 1979, utilizes the concept of threaded binary trees to perform the traversal in O(n) time complexity while keeping the space complexity to O(1).

In this blog, we will explore how Morris Traversal works, its advantages, and how you can implement it for in-order traversal of a binary tree. By the end of this post, you will understand how to use this algorithm to traverse trees efficiently.

1. What is Morris Traversal?

Morris Traversal is a tree traversal algorithm that allows you to traverse a binary tree in in-order without using any extra space for recursion or a stack. It achieves this by creating temporary threads to store the in-order successors of the nodes, which allows the algorithm to backtrack without needing a stack.

The key idea behind Morris Traversal is to modify the tree during the traversal by creating threads (temporary pointers) from the rightmost node of the left subtree to the current node. These threads help in backtracking to the parent node after visiting the left subtree.

2. How Does Morris Traversal Work?

The Morris Traversal algorithm works by following these steps:

  1. Start at the root of the binary tree.

  2. While the current node is not null, do the following:

    • If the current node has no left child, print the current node's value and move to the right child.

    • If the current node has a left child, find the rightmost node in the left subtree (also known as the predecessor). This rightmost node is the node with the largest value in the left subtree.

    • Make the current node the right child of the predecessor. This creates a thread that will help in backtracking.

    • Move to the left child and repeat the process.

  3. Once the traversal is complete, restore the tree structure by removing the threads.

This process ensures that each node is visited in the correct in-order sequence, without the need for recursion or a stack.

3. Advantages of Morris Traversal

Morris Traversal provides several key advantages over traditional tree traversal methods:

3.1 Space Efficiency

Unlike recursion or stack-based approaches, Morris Traversal only requires O(1) space. The extra space needed is used to temporarily modify the tree structure, and no additional data structures (like stacks or function calls) are required.

3.2 Time Efficiency

Morris Traversal runs in O(n) time, where n is the number of nodes in the tree. It visits each node exactly once and makes a constant number of operations per node. This makes it as efficient as the standard in-order traversal, but with reduced space complexity.

3.3 No Stack Overflow

Since Morris Traversal does not use recursion or an explicit stack, it avoids the risk of stack overflow, which can occur in deep trees when using recursive approaches.

4. Code Example: Morris Traversal for In-Order Traversal

Let’s look at a Python implementation of Morris Traversal for in-order traversal of a binary tree.

Step 1: Define the Tree Structure

We start by defining a simple binary tree structure with a Node class.

pythonCopy codeclass Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

Step 2: Implement Morris Traversal

Here is the Morris Traversal algorithm for in-order traversal:

pythonCopy codedef morris_inorder_traversal(root):
    current = root
    while current:
        if current.left is None:
            # Print the current node's data
            print(, end=" ")
            current = current.right
            # Find the rightmost node in the left subtree
            predecessor = current.left
            while predecessor.right and predecessor.right != current:
                predecessor = predecessor.right

            # Make the current node the right child of the predecessor
            if predecessor.right is None:
                predecessor.right = current
                current = current.left
                # Restore the tree structure and print the current node's data
                predecessor.right = None
                print(, end=" ")
                current = current.right

Step 3: Example Usage

Now, let’s create a binary tree and perform Morris In-Order Traversal on it.

pythonCopy code# Create a sample binary tree
root = Node(1)
root.left = Node(2)
root.right = Node(3)
root.left.left = Node(4)
root.left.right = Node(5)
root.right.left = Node(6)
root.right.right = Node(7)

# Perform Morris In-Order Traversal
print("Morris In-Order Traversal:")


mathematicaCopy codeMorris In-Order Traversal:
4 2 5 1 6 3 7

5. How Morris Traversal Works: Step-by-Step Example

Let’s go through a step-by-step example of how Morris Traversal works on the binary tree:

markdownCopy code        1
       / \
      2   3
     / \ / \
    4  5 6  7
  1. Start at the root node (1). The left child is not null, so find the predecessor of node 1 (which is node 5).

  2. Create a thread from node 5 to node 1 and move to node 2.

  3. Repeat the process for node 2. The predecessor of node 2 is node 4.

  4. After visiting node 4, backtrack to node 2 via the thread and print node 2.

  5. Visit node 5, print it, and backtrack to node 1 via the thread.

  6. Continue this process for the rest of the tree.

This results in the correct in-order traversal: 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3, 7.

6. Limitations of Morris Traversal

While Morris Traversal is highly space-efficient, it does have some limitations:

6.1 Tree Modification

Morris Traversal temporarily modifies the tree by adding threads, which can be undesirable in certain scenarios where the tree structure must remain unchanged. However, the threads are removed during the traversal, so the tree is restored to its original state by the end.

6.2 Complexity of Implementation

While Morris Traversal is space-efficient, it is more complex to implement compared to standard recursive or stack-based methods. The additional logic for finding predecessors and creating/removing threads adds complexity.

7. Conclusion

Morris Traversal is a powerful technique that allows in-order traversal of a binary tree in O(n) time and O(1) space. By utilizing threaded binary trees, Morris Traversal eliminates the need for recursion or stacks, making it ideal for space-constrained environments. Although it involves temporarily modifying the tree, the tree is restored to its original state by the end of the traversal.

If you are working with large trees or need to optimize space usage, Morris Traversal is a valuable tool in your algorithmic toolkit. It provides an elegant and efficient solution to the common problem of tree traversal.


Q1: Does Morris Traversal work for other types of tree traversals (pre-order, post-order)?
Yes, Morris Traversal can be adapted for other tree traversals, but the logic for handling threads and traversal order will change accordingly. The concept remains the same, but the actions taken at each node differ.

Q2: Can Morris Traversal be used for non-binary trees?
Morris Traversal is specifically designed for binary trees. Adapting it for non-binary trees would require significant modifications.

Q3: What are the real-world applications of Morris Traversal?
Morris Traversal is useful in situations where space efficiency is critical, such as in memory-constrained systems, embedded systems, or competitive programming challenges.


#MorrisTraversal #InOrderTraversal #BinaryTree #TreeAlgorithms #SpaceEfficientTraversal