Next.js API Routes: Building Serverless Functions

Next.js API Routes: Building Serverless Functions

Discover how to create powerful serverless API routes in Next.js and integrate them with your applications for seamless functionality.


Next.js is not just a framework for building React applications; it also provides powerful tools for handling server-side logic. One of the most exciting features of Next.js is API Routes—a way to build serverless functions within your application. These functions can handle HTTP requests and perform actions such as database queries, authentication, and interacting with external services.

In this blog, we’ll cover how to create and manage API routes in Next.js, dive into examples of common use cases, and discuss best practices for deploying and securing your serverless functions. We will also provide code snippets and explanations to help you get up and running with ease.

Main Content

1. What Are API Routes in Next.js?

API routes are essentially serverless functions that are built into the Next.js framework. They allow you to define endpoints within your application, which can handle HTTP requests like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. These API routes are stored inside the pages/api directory, and Next.js automatically handles routing based on file names.

Unlike traditional server-side solutions, Next.js API routes are serverless by default, meaning you don’t need to set up and manage a server separately. The framework handles scaling, deployments, and request handling for you.

Basic Structure of an API Route:

In Next.js, API routes are simple JavaScript files where each file corresponds to a specific API endpoint. These files export an async function to handle incoming requests.

For example, the following code shows a basic API route that handles a GET request:

// pages/api/hello.js

export default function handler(req, res) {
  res.status(200).json({ message: 'Hello, Next.js!' });


  • req (request): This object contains information about the HTTP request such as the query parameters, headers, and body data.

  • res (response): This object is used to send a response to the client. The status() method sets the HTTP status code, and json() sends the response data as JSON.

This route can be accessed by visiting http://localhost:3000/api/hello in a Next.js application.

2. Creating API Routes for Different HTTP Methods

API routes in Next.js can handle various HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Depending on the method, you can define different behaviors within the same API route file.

Here's an example of a more complex API route that handles both GET and POST requests:

// pages/api/posts.js

let posts = [
  { id: 1, title: 'First Post' },
  { id: 2, title: 'Second Post' },

export default function handler(req, res) {
  if (req.method === 'GET') {
    res.status(200).json(posts); // Return the list of posts
  } else if (req.method === 'POST') {
    const newPost = req.body;
    posts.push(newPost); // Add a new post to the list
    res.status(201).json(newPost); // Return the newly created post
  } else {
    res.status(405).json({ message: 'Method Not Allowed' });


  • GET request: When the request method is GET, the handler responds with a list of posts.

  • POST request: When the request method is POST, the handler adds a new post to the posts array and returns it.

  • 405 Method Not Allowed: If the method is neither GET nor POST, the handler responds with a 405 status code.

To test this, you can make GET and POST requests to http://localhost:3000/api/posts using tools like Postman or cURL.

3. Handling Request Body and Query Parameters

Next.js API routes provide an easy way to handle request body and query parameters. The request body can be accessed using req.body, and query parameters can be accessed via req.query.

Here’s an example where we use query parameters and a request body:

// pages/api/search.js

export default function handler(req, res) {
  const { query } = req.query; // Extract the query parameter
  const data = [
    { title: 'Next.js Guide' },
    { title: 'API Routes in Next.js' },
    { title: 'Building Serverless Functions' },

  if (query) {
    const filteredData = data.filter(item =>
  } else {


  • req.query: We extract the query parameter from the request URL, such as http://localhost:3000/api/search?query=nextjs.

  • Filtering: The API routes return data that matches the query in the title field.

This is a great way to implement search functionality in your application.

4. Connecting to a Database in API Routes

API routes in Next.js can also interact with a database to fetch or modify data. You can integrate databases like MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL using Node.js libraries in your API routes.

Here’s an example of how you might integrate MongoDB into an API route:

// pages/api/posts.js
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';

const client = new MongoClient('your_mongo_connection_string');

export default async function handler(req, res) {
  if (req.method === 'GET') {
    try {
      await client.connect();
      const db = client.db('nextjs');
      const posts = await db.collection('posts').find().toArray();
    } catch (error) {
      res.status(500).json({ message: 'Failed to fetch posts' });
    } finally {
      await client.close();


  • MongoClient: The MongoDB client is used to connect to a MongoDB database.

  • Database query: In the GET request handler, we fetch posts from the posts collection and send them back as a JSON response.

You can modify this example to include other HTTP methods (POST, PUT, DELETE) for interacting with the database.

5. Deploying API Routes to Vercel

Vercel is the default deployment platform for Next.js, and it makes deploying applications with API routes extremely easy. When you deploy a Next.js app to Vercel, the API routes are automatically deployed as serverless functions.

To deploy your app to Vercel:

  1. Push your Next.js app to a Git repository (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).

  2. Sign up and log in to Vercel.

  3. Connect your Git repository to Vercel.

  4. Vercel will automatically detect your Next.js project and deploy it.

Your API routes will be deployed as serverless functions under the /api path, and they’ll scale automatically with your application.

Examples/Case Studies

Example 1: User Authentication

For applications that require user authentication, API routes can be used to handle login, signup, and token generation. You can secure these routes by integrating with authentication providers such as JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or OAuth.

Example 2: Payment Processing

If you are building an e-commerce application, you might need to handle payment processing. API routes can integrate with payment gateways like Stripe to securely process transactions and return the necessary responses to your front-end.

Tips/Best Practices

  • Error Handling: Always include error handling in your API routes to ensure your app can gracefully handle failures.

  • Validation: Ensure you validate incoming data, especially in POST requests, to prevent invalid data from affecting your system.

  • Performance: Consider caching responses or using serverless functions to optimize the performance of your API routes.

  • Security: Make sure to secure sensitive API routes, especially those handling authentication or payments, by using HTTPS, JWTs, and other security protocols.

  • Environment Variables: Use environment variables to store sensitive data like database credentials and API keys, and keep them secure.


Next.js API routes provide a simple and powerful way to build serverless functions that can handle a wide variety of use cases, from data fetching to authentication and beyond. With minimal configuration and no need for a separate server, you can quickly build scalable and efficient API endpoints directly inside your Next.js application.

Whether you’re building a small blog or a complex e-commerce site, API routes are an essential tool for creating modern web applications with Next.js.

Ready to build your own serverless API with Next.js? Start experimenting with API routes in your Next.js application today! Check out the official Next.js API Routes documentation for more advanced examples and tips.


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